Monday, October 01, 2007

Happy October, Y'all

2007 was an impatient year, but you will log no complaints from me. '06 ended with a pantload of uncertainty and a shot of hope.

One cold January night I went to bed with a stinging sadness but had the most amazing dream. The next morning, after clearing the sleep from my eyes, I found that the world had changed, or maybe it was just me. The bite in the air that kept me in a state of hibernation was gone. Spring came early this year, or maybe it was late. Either way, I woke up.

Summer is admitting defeat and deferring to Autumn. Soon it will be winter and for the first time in my life, I am impatient for the first snowfall. I look forward to the frozen terra and long nights because I finally got a good pair of gloves and a warm coat.

1 comment:

Shrinking Gail said...

I love you.

You make me a stronger person.