Monday, April 10, 2006

nocturnal emissions

(Downtown Aurora 2003, 35mm B&W)
It seems like the only time I have anything to say is in the middle of the night when I can't sleep or find myself suddenly awake and half lucid. I lay in bed having what I consider profound thoughts & I think about getting up to warm myself by the light of the computer monitor. I usually don't - and eventually I fall back asleep, the flurry of thoughts lost in another insomniac night.

I haven't gone to bed yet & I don't know if I have anything to say - but it's been awhile since I posted anything in bloggyland. I am writing to myself. I don't write here often & I don't read too many others enough to be considered an active participant. I don't really write too much of anything anymore. I suppose that when I do feel my elusive muse begin to crap on my head I should get my ass out of bed and to the computer or a notebook.

I have discovered the wonderful, addictive, juvenile joy that is Myspace. I am vindicated. I have Friends. I have Comments. I am Enlightened.

I feel pretty darn good about life. Motherhood suits me well & so does not getting drunk every night. However, this glass of Cab tastes great...

Why is it that I love the lonely, quiet hours of the night? I don't think that will ever change and I will just have to learn to accept it.

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